Taking my job seriously…

I like to think that I am organised.  Always have been, both in my personal life and professional life.

I am always writing programmes for my clients and classes.


I like to challenge my clients and keep their workouts exciting and fresh.  It ensures that they remain motivated and that they get the most out of their workouts.  This has been evident over the last year – I have kept my client base and they love their sessions.

I also do the same for my kettlebell classes.  I am constantly thinking of how I can challenge them and keep them coming back for more.  Each class is different so they don’t know what to expect.  Most of the classes feature burpees… they don’t like burpees!  My classes continue to grow week on week with new joiners.


I am not an expensive Personal Trainer although some, who look for sessions for £20 p/hr think I am.

My costs don’t just cover the session with my clients.  My costs cover my travel time, my fuel, my time for programme writing, my equipment, my qualifications, my experience and passion.  As I am self employed, my costs also cover my tax, national insurance, sick and holiday pay.

I was told never to undersell my services – so I don’t.  I don’t offer any Personal Training Packages such as Buy Five Sessions get One Free.  If anyone is serious about Personal Training and would like to see results and hire the best, they are prepared to pay for it.

This week I tried a different Tri20 swim session.  I usually attend the Tri20 swim session on Wednesday which is structured and well thought out.  I thought I would go on Friday too – to stay motivated what with my lack of motivation at the moment.  Swimming with others really helps.  The session was well thought out, clearly explained beforehand and was very challenging.  I like to think that my Personal Training and class sessions are the same.

This afternoon has been spent writing next week’s Personal Training and class programmes.  Clients and classes.. you have been warned!

Your  less sad but very organised Ironman.







One thought on “Taking my job seriously…

  1. Sharon

    Hi lovely, brilliant, passionate, inspirational, funny, strong & amazing-class-leader Ironman! Love your kettle classes, you keep them fresh & new every time and we are all grateful of the hard work you put in to helping us all achieve our goals. Yes, the burpees are a bit tiresome 😜
    But at least when we’ve done 534 we can get some fries from McDonald’s! Every cloud & all that.
    Love you Ironman ❤️
    PS – stop being sad & be the proud legend that you are!

    Liked by 1 person

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